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Konjac Instant Cup Noodles [Cold] Low Carb For Diet Convenience

Regular price
RM 19.50
Sale price
RM 19.50
Regular price
RM 22.80
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Authentic products | goodVshare MY
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1.麵體180G/包 椒麻醬30G/包
2.麵體180G/包 重烘培胡麻醬包40G/包

1.打開封膜 2.倒出麵體與醬包 3. 加入喜愛的食材 4. 即可享用
*喜歡涼麵口感的 ,可以 冰冷藏 ( 不可冷凍) 口感像涼麵1


常温保存 打开即食,放冷藏更激似凉面,放热汤品中 ,
即使整碗连汤带料吃完 ,也不用担心热量爆棚问题 !
高规格的南瓜蒟蒻面是你追求低GI 与 减糖必备的圣品 !

Starting with a wheat-based foundation,
we create a no-water, no-alkali, and vacuum-sealed low-calorie, high-fiber konjac noodle. It can be stored at room temperature, ready to eat as soon as you open the package, and when refrigerated, it's even more like cold noodles. You can also enjoy it in hot soup dishes. Even if you finish the entire bowl with soup and toppings, you don't need to worry about excessive calorie intake! Our high-quality pumpkin konjac noodles are a must-have for those seeking a low GI and reduced sugar diet.